Why Organic Has Dipped Its Toes Into Paid

First of all, what is the difference between them?

This is simple. Organic social media posts are posts that are only seen by your followers.

Paid however, will show up on other people’s feed. People that will have a high chance of being interested in what you have to offer.

Before, organic was still a medium to grow your platform. You were still able to get yourself on the radar with the right strategies like a good consistency of posts and interaction with others. This was done through hashtags, story posts, interactions with others, and getting on the ‘for you’ page.

What has changed? Here are 3 reasons why organic has dipped its toes into paid.

1.         Social media got bigger

This is the obvious one. Social media got more users. Most of these users start posting. Where there first was a small bubble of related posts, there is now an ocean full of content. Your posts will not be as important anymore, because there are now many other posts to choose from. It will now just be another post in an ocean full of others.

2.         Changed algorithms

So, what are social media algorithms? These are calculations made by people behind the screen of the platform that sort out which posts you are seeing and which posts not. What does this have to do with organic media? At the end of the day, platforms like Facebook and Instagram are businesses. They need to make money just like other businesses. When they see opportunities to make more money, they will take it. As we discussed previously, Social media grew tremendously. Users are now more depended on the paid side to shine through. Social media platforms took advantage of this to change their algorithms to show less non organic posts to you. This way you are even more depended on the paid media. Sadly, there is nothing we can do about this, it is just business.

3.         Introducing new features.

There are also benefits that come to the new paid media version. Platforms like Instagram and Facebook are introducing more features for this. Features like shopping ads, these separate shopping platforms are getting more and more popular. We are changing the way we shop. It has been proven that 58% of the people who visit your website first looked at your social media. When running paid these could be a lot more.

Is organic dead?

The questions you are probably asking now is: is organic dead? The answer to this is, no. but you might need to change its purpose. It is still useful to many businesses, they are just not getting new clients through it as much. Unless you have an account with over 100K followers you are only getting a few new visitors a month. But even those accounts still run paid media, because they know it is a tool that works and helps them grow their business even further.

So what should I do?

To get the best results out of your social media platforms is to run both organic and paid media. Organic media will keep your current customers up to date, while interacting with them on a regular bases. In combination with getting more clients trough paid media, you will have the perfect social media strategy for your business.


Case Study: Facebook strategies and professional tools to generate 200%+ ROAS